
3d animation video, variable dimensions

Year 2024


The "Zombies" series explores the complex interactions between human behavior and the animal kingdom through the figure of the crab. In this work, I use the crab as a symbolic protagonist to establish parallels that invite reflection on our own existence and practices.

The crab, with its symbolic charge and distinctive behaviors, becomes a mirror of human behaviors. By investigating its movements, life cycles, and adaptations, I find deep resonances with fundamental aspects of the human condition: survival, migration, resource exploitation, and connection to the sacred.

Through this series, I also examine human practices related to the crab, from its use as a food resource to its role in various religious traditions. Interactions between humans and crabs at points of encounter-both physical and symbolic-reveal dynamics of power, consumption, and veneration that underscore interdependence and mutual impact between species.

Miniatura 2.jpg

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